Apr 28, 2009

Le referenze a volte..

...sono un problema ;)

C'è questo interessante articolo su Fortune riguardo le referenze, spesso sopravvalutate, che a volte possono produrre un effetto negativo anzichè positivo.

La parte più divertente è questa.
Una società di hiring ha raccolto le migliori referenze:

* "Someone used her mother as a reference. Needless to say, she had not worked anywhere with her mother."
* "We learned that the woman we were interviewing liked to go barefoot all day."
* "We talked to someone who said that the applicant didn't like the industry in which he was trying to get a job."
* "The reference said the person fell asleep during work hours."
* "A professor recommended someone who was really smart, but mentioned that he was never seen wearing any footwear besides flip-flops."
* "The reference went on and on about the candidate's favorite music, bars, social activities, etc."
* "The fellow I called just started laughing. He said he could not believe he was a reference for this candidate."


La migliore per me è l'ultima.